
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Advantage is Mine

The days are slowly rolling by towards the start of May, aka, Start of my super amazing awesome Bike life/journey.  And my bike is all built and set.  I shall saddle a Bianchi Advantage, my steel steed will be my pillar on the road, my companion, my singing partner.  And speaking of that, here is the first place that I will make it my point to get mail if anyone wants to send me mail:

The Ashland Post Office in Wisconsin:
615 Main Street West
Ashland, WI 54806-1300
(715) 682-4848

To send something general delivery, you need to address it as follows:
Ross Guberman
General Delivery
Ashland, WI 54806-9999

I will update when I think I will arrive in Ashland, most likely in June so you can know when to send, and to indicate what date to hole the letter until.  We'll see if it works.  Don't send me any gold medallions just yet.    So with the bike done, my panniers all set, the trailer awaiting, all I am doing now is slowly getting some little things i need and getting rid of many things i do not.  i sold one bike, donated the other.  I will give a presentation next week about my time in Japan, sorta to pump myself up too for the long days ahead on the road. 

For now, as the old adage says, thats all folks

1 comment:

Sheila Poettgen said...

Great presentation tonight Ross! We'll be following your updates as you go and who knows, perhaps we will meet again - on the road. :-)

Sheila & Kai