
Thursday, December 1, 2011

And on the 8th Day...

So there she was.  God had gone all crazy and created a whole bunch of stuff in just 6 little days.  She then made one whole day just to plop her feet up and take a rest.  But that wasn't enough it seems, as she got a bit bored.  And so, on the 8th day, God create the single greatest work of literature to ever fall upon the hands of mere mortals, words so powerful, so inspiring, so spelled correctly that some have fell dead on spot from their power.  Here are a few early reviews:

"I thought an alligator wearing a hat was the cats meow.  Well sir, I was mistaken.  This here book takes the cake."


"I'd like 2 cheeseburgers and a side of fries.  What?  What kind of restaurant is this?!?"

"The best book I ever wrote."

But don't take their words for it, find out for yourself.  Go I say go here: and get yourself the last book you'll ever have to read.  If you happen to be friends or family of the author, which I fathom you are, email me and I can send you a coupon, though that's a little sacrilegious if you ask me.


Sonadei said...

It's been a long journey. Congratulations on the book completion. More to come!

Anonymous said...

Have waited so long. Hope it makes the times best sellers list!!!

Mark said...

I think you have a pronoun problem in your blog post.