
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

For the love of Riding


From the people over at People For Bikes, a nice video and some quick facts about why bikes rock and everyone can and should be riding:

Here are some stats to help you quickly convey the benefits of bicycling. For more detailed stats, click on a link in the left navigation bar for participation, economic, health, facilities, environmental, and safety stats. Keep track of recently added stats, as new statistics are added weekly. You can also download our Statistics One-Pager for a quick resource on the benefits of bicycling. To request a printed copy, contact

  1. It's time to get kids riding. In just one U.S. generation:
  2. Bicycle commuting beats sitting in traffic.
  3. More cycling means less dependence on foreign oil.
  4. Riding a bike is cheaper than driving a car.
  5. Biking can help you live longer.
  6. Bicycling is good for the economy.

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