Holy Moly!!!! Just when you thought there wasnt a way to spend your hard earned money on me, i have helped solved the problem. Together with Sonadei, we have developed a Cape Verde bicycle tshirt whose proceeds will go to help fund a bicycle project that is in the works, as been mentioend in previous blogs. Check out the link, buy at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 shirts and then donate even more. Also, shoot me an email if you buy a shirt or help spread the word so i know and give you a thanks.
Spread this link around, write it on paper and leave in coffee shops, engrave it on your kitchen table, whatever you have to do to help seel these shirts!!!!!
i think this is the direct link to buy the shirt.
So buy buy buy!!!!!
Holy Moly!!!! Just when you thought there wasnt a way to spend your hard earned money on me, i have helped solved the problem. Together with Sonadei, we have developed a Cape Verde bicycle tshirt whose proceeds will go to help fund a bicycle project that is in the works, as been mentioend in previous blogs. Check out the link, buy at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 shirts and then donate even more. Also, shoot me an email if you buy a shirt or help spread the word so i know and give you a thanks.
Spread this link around, write it on paper and leave in coffee shops, engrave it on your kitchen table, whatever you have to do to help seel these shirts!!!!!
i think this is the direct link to buy the shirt.
So buy buy buy!!!!!
Here is a news snipet from Sonadei
Ross! Happy one year anniversary!
i was just saying over a crazy awesome farmers market dinner that i don't want to spend any more money until Christmastime (we are leaving for Costa Rica on Saturday and bought all of EMS and the entire pharmacy).
But, as my neighbors have indicated with a light up Santa, it is xmas in July and everyone i know will be getting a Cape Verde bike t-shirt!
Mrs. Salvi,
Everyone you know most certainly wil be buying this shirt, and most likely more than one.
Please feel free to spread this link and project on to tohers and perhaps any orgs. you think might like to lend a helping hand.
Stay dry in Costa Rica
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